Monday, March 19, 2012

Making a Spectacle of Myself

You ever have days when you're zipping along, trying to keep up with the day and find yourself in a position you didn't see coming?

Well, last week I had one of those days.

I was pretty proud of myself for making everything work...

Pre-school drop off and pick up, morning at the gym, lunch with friends while kids played, picking up kids (by the hair of my chinney chin chin) from the bus on early release day, then back to school to watch a friend's 7th grade basketball game.

As we exited the basketball game, I was racing to keep up with 3 little runners-in-the-school-hallway while hanging up my cell phone with Mark when...


Down I went.

Not just a little stumble or slip.

My move-

was arms flailing,

full body pitching forward,

landing on my hands and knees,


In the middle of my kids' school hallway,

with no one in sight that I could giggle with about it.

Of course I popped back up, shook myself off and continued racing down the hallway to catch those darn runners before they ran right into the parking lot full of distracted drivers.

It truly wasn't pretty.

I'm used to making a spectacle wherever I go.

But usually that spectacle is created by my herd of children (or me nipping at their heels trying to coral them).

This spectacle was completely my own.


Ouch on the ego as well as the knees.

Some days you have to live a little low on the grace level.


  1. Is it okay to say thank you for the smile? It's so much more fun to make a spectacle of yourself with friends around.

  2. Anything for a smile:)

    Posting it here makes up for not having someone with me to laugh it off with.

    I still cringe when I think about it...
