Tuesday, March 20, 2012


It's not something you'd wish on anyone.

Especially when it affects kids and family.

We all seem to handle it differently.

Some of us hold it in and hide it.

Others let it consume them.

Yet others let themselves be an open book inviting everyone who cares to share in their experience.

I admire that strength and courage.

I doubt any of us could anticipate what we would want while facing adversity we don't want to imagine- yet when someone you care about is going through it, that's what you have to do.

Try and put yourself in their shoes and imagine what you would want others to do for you.

Then do it for them.

One thing I've learned is how much it means to hear someone express their genuine concern and well wishes for you.

It makes me realize how very important a community is for us all.

Life can be fantastic, filled with all kinds of amazing things, if you let it.

There are times too when it just isn't all that fantastic and you need that community to lighten your load, lift you back to your feet and wrap their arms around you until you gain your strength back.

I've been fortunate to witness incredible acts of generosity during times of adversity.

And I always find it inspirational.

It pushes me to look beyond myself and try to see the needs of others.

To wonder how I might lighten some one's load,

lift them to their feet,

wrap my arms around them until they can absorb some strength to stand on their own again.

From a simple home cooked meal to a bright bunch of flowers.  From acquaintances becoming friends when they come in and fold your laundry, scrub your floors, play with your children so your mind can wander, just for a little while before reality comes back.

Watching that unspoken affection for others makes me proud to live where I live and know the people I know.

There are good people here in my town.

I hope that everyone facing adversity has that community, can find those who shore up their souls, and warm their hearts again.

Life is fragile yet fantastic.

And I try not to take it for granted, each and every day is a blessing for which I'm thankful no matter how much I might grumble from time to time.

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