Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Head Above Water, Youth Football Season


Want to know yet another secret?

When I'm feeling overwhelmed, I don't blog.

As you can see, I've been overwhelmed lately.

That, plus my computer is on its last leg.

First it wouldn't let us use google (which includes

Now it won't let me into my email.

Do you know how hard it is to email essential professional documents without a computer?!

It's a little tough.

But I prevailed.

I got around the damn computer and it's bias against and used Mark's gmail account.

So take that temperamental techno monster!

Can't live with them, can't live without those darn computers.

Now, back to the overwhelming-ness of my life.

Do I complain too much?

Truly, just documenting the insanity.

We're knee deep into football season around here.

Sarina is cheering and Carl's playing for TCYFL (Thurston County Youth Football League).

Tackle football.

With pads.

And tackling.

And little boys playing quarterback.

(Yahoo!!  That's MY boy!)

It's actually an impressive organization with thousands of kids participating.

It started with three practices a week, all in full gear.

Now he's pared down to two practices a week from 5:30-7:30pm, but Sarina still has three.

Did you know I pride myself on having dinner on the table at 5:30pm sharp?

This football has sure thrown a wrench in that peaceful (ha!) family routine.

Really, the main reason for dinner at 5:30pm is so we can get the kids in bed on time...

Sarina is rocking the cheerleading.  I'm so proud of how quickly she's catching on and nailing her cheers and stunts.

She even gets to be the fly girl. 

So much pride.

It's a grueling schedule, two kids going to two different places at the same time on all but one evening a week.

Then Carl plays one game a Saturday while Sarina cheers for two games a Saturday.

And dragging around the little ones.

Then I try to walk (sometimes even run) the track during practice.

I would fall sleep in two seconds in the grass if I sat there for 2 straight hours watching.

But all the driving, and meal planning, and orchestrating is so very worth it when you see your baby boy throw a pass that ends in a touch down.

When they're all gathered in a huddle and you hear his voice calling the play.

There's nothing like seeing your last name on the back of your child's jersey.

Then to look down and see your almost mini-me wearing a cardinal and gold cheer uniform, cute big white bow in her hair.

I'm so VERY VERY lucky!

It makes all the insanity swirling around us worthwhile.

I want to stop time and stare at my babies out there.

Growing up.

Doing things I remember doing.

I can be sappy now about them.

They've been in bed for a couple of hours, so I'm feeling lovey.

If I'd written this a few hours ago I would be a little less lovey.

I guess it's a little like childbirth. 

The memory of the nastiness dulls with time.

At the end of the day, some sort of magical spell settles in, and sprinkles love dust to help remind me what precious little treasures they are.

Even when they're smelly, back talking little boogers.

Come nightfall,

when they're snuggled in bed,

I know how very much I love those little rascals.

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