Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Stranger At The Door

Hebrews 13:2
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.

I love that verse from the Old Testament.  My mom has it on a plaque next to her front door.  And I love when it's discussed in church.  I LOVE the idea of getting to entertain an angel and doing so beautifully.

Tonight as I was bracing myself to start the bathtime/stories/bedtime marathon, someone rang our doorbell. 

I live out in the boonies on 5 acres, but it's only the second house off the freeway...

This seems to happen most often when my husband's on a 24 hour shift and I feel a little nervous anyway.  (One night it was a woman who was missing more fingers than she actually had, not to mention missing teeth...  Did I say we're en route to Shelton?)

Since I didn't see a car I figured it was my neighbor, sweet Kelly or one of her kids.  So I opened the door without hesitation.

But it wasn't Kelly or one of her kids.  It was a man, a little odd looking, holding an empty gallon water jug nervously explaining that his car had broken down and he needed water for it.

I have all 4 kids clustered around me at the door and am trying to not be too obvious as I keep them from spilling out onto the porch.  And of course one is only half dressed...

I think they could sense my fear because they were ALL OVER ME.

I took the jug, closed the door leaving the man on the porch, then walked in to the kitchen to fill his water jug.

The kids are chattering, "Is that man poor?"  "Is he a bad guy?"  And I'm trying to shush them so he doesn't hear their questions.

I give him the jug and wish him luck with his car and he wishes me luck back.  Nervous response or just odd- I'm not sure.  I couldn't help but notice that he stared a little too long at my chest when he took his water bottle...

I don't like that I have a suspicious feeling when a stranger comes to my door.  I feel like a bad person for assuming that someone evil is going to burst into my house and hurt me or my children.  Is it society or is it paranoia?  Too much television news?

I want to see a person in need and come to their aid without hesitation.  Why do I question their motives and intentions?  Surely in biblical times there were rapists and murderers, yet they seemed to try and outdo each other entertaining strangers.

Of course if it were my child, friend, or relative, I'd want them helped when in need. 

So, while I'm a little leery- I try to help as I can. 

Because what if it IS an angel and I just don't know?

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