Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Quick on her feet

I know, I've been sporadic with my posts.

I'm sorry.

I have a tiny bit more time to myself this year, yet it feels like far less.

Perhaps it's that I have more expectations of that time and that makes it feel like less?

Who knows.

All I know is that I'm achieving less than I'd hoped with my 3 hours of free time on Monday mornings and 2 hours on Wednesday mornings...


This one was too good not to document.

Because, after all, this purpose of this blog is for my kids to read one day when I'm ancient and can't remember a thing any more.

What did I have for dinner, you ask? 

I don't know, I forgot it 10 minutes after it was consumed.


Anyway, again...

Lately we've had a terrible break out of "stupid" in our house.

For some odd reason I've tried to keep several words out of my kids vocabulary because either I really didn't like them when I was a kid or I find them terribly overused.

To name a few there's: hate, dumb, retard (for obvious reasons- except with an adult with the silly mispronunciation from The Hangover...), god (as in swear word not praying), idiot, fat, butt, fart, etc.

A big one for me is "stupid."

And last night, as I was finishing up dinner dishes, I heard that word out of my (sometimes) sweet little four year old.

Trying to be on top of things rather than pretend I didn't hear it (which I'll admit sometimes I may do) I asked,

"Elsa what did you just say?"

Mind you my tone was kind, not accusatory.

I kid you not, that little whipper-snapper responded


"I said stupendous."



Holy moly!






I know now, for sure, that I'll NEVER be able to hold my own in an argument with that kid.


Stupendous. From a newly turned 4 and a half year old.

Who, by the way, has put some action behind her request to turn her room into a boy room.

Here she is with all the sweet baby girl dresses that have been hanging on her wall two years too long.

Sniff sniff.

She pulled them down all by herself.

She even had to jump numerous times to knock them down.

Yes, I wanted to see her in action- so after she pulled them down I put them back up to see what she'd do.

And she promptly removed them.


So, I'm thinking I'll find a super big tree wall decal or some sort and make a tee-pee for her room. 

She loves forts.

And it's a boy theme, sort of.

It'll be...

... stupendous (?!).

1 comment:

  1. Oh, dear! You remember that when we said "shut up" we were grounded for a day! Another do not say in my house. You are in so much trouble with Ms. Stupendous! Megan
