Monday, August 20, 2012

Don't mind me while I disappear into a book...

Do you  ever just want to fold your self up into a good book like the never ending story?

I do.

It's my fantasy escape.

So-word to the wise...

if you see me racking up a stack of read novels there's something I'm escaping from.

Most likely the insane chaos of my blessedly full family life.

They are blessings,

they are blessings,

they are blessings,

almost equal to the amount of work they require.

Hear my self pep talk?

I wanted more than anything to be able to stay at home with my children- to raise them myself.

But there are days when I can't help but wonder if I might appreciate them more when I had a consistent break from them.

Maybe the resentment of putting away every single item in the house they lay their little hands on each and every day, all day long would lessen.

I realize it won't last long.

I know I will wish them back under my every footstep,

interrupting my each and every task

10,000 times(!).

I do love them more than anything else in the world.

But mama needs a break every now and then!

I envy those women who have taken an evening a week for themselves each and every week.

I wish our family schedule wasn't so complicated to allow for that (with my husband working we're only a whole family 2 out of every 3 nights-makes me feel guilty to take that away yet another night more than is absolutely necessary).

Clearly I'm not the only one with a little tension.

Foamy anythings don't stand a chance in our house.

Little nibblers.

I'm not 100% sure who the culprit is,

but I have my suspicions.

Maybe I'm getting old.

I no longer feel satisfied by accomplishing a lot in a short period of time with the kids under foot.

It's starting to just make me irritable and snappy.

So, anyone have some good book recommendations?

Lately I've read: The Little Giant of Aberdeen County, To Heaven and Back: A Doctor's Extraordinary Account of Her Death, Heaven, Angels and Life Again: True Story, The Girl Who Chased the Moon, The Peach Keeper, Garden Spells (all magic realism type novels- my favorite) and Still Alice (I think I'm going to blog about later).

Yup, the stack is growing.

And yet, this mama needs to disappear into a good book again...

Share your favorite escape books with me?

Pretty please?

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