Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hearing Loss

I have a small confession to make.

My hearing is far from 100%.  Truly.

And I think it's getting worse.

Funny thing is.  I haven't raced out to get it checked, even though it's a little annoying- it's kind of nice.  My house is loud, l o u d, L O U D!  Ok, not the house, the little beings that occupy it.

Case in point, long car rides with 6 people in the king cab of a Ford F350 pick up hauling a travel trailer.  Oh my gosh, it really couldn't be much louder than 4 kids raising their voices trying to be heard over each other or let out the pent up annoyance of being strapped into car seats for hours at a time and the gosh darn dvd players that take an eternity to set up and never seem to work when you need them the most. 

Blissfully their racket was a little dim for me and, since the truck was pre-shoulder strap seat belt era for the middle seats, mama got to sit in the middle front seat next to daddy. 

It was almost like high school again (if I really focused on letting go of the kids' noise) nestled up against my husband.  Almost like riding around in the 1953 ford pick up he had- that his grandpa purchased for his old Texaco station, his dad likely took him mom on dates in, and that he drove me around in during high school.  I loved sitting next to him with his arm around my shoulders or resting in my lap.

And this trip was almost like those days, if only the kids could have been a little more quiet- or my hearing a little more gone...

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