Saturday, March 26, 2011

bath time

Example of crazy happenings with kids.

Tonight Carl (6) decided to try to pee standing up on a stool (I think so he could pee from higher up like his daddy). He slipped, his arm splashed up to his shoulder in the toilet that his brother already peed in- I think there was even a bonus pee leftover from earlier in the day too. It splashed all over his face and INTO HIS MOUTH!

Gross, gross, gross. I played it as cool as I could- got mouthwash for him to rinse with then popped him in the tub with his sister and brother.

Fun times. Never a dull moment.


  1. Wow! Euw! Poor Carl...scared for life?

    You are a very good writer and I love the tone. Very creative! Keep it up! Is my posting my blog on FB annoying? hmmm...I thought about that but not sure I care...I don't mind being ignored, I guess! Ha!

  2. Thank you kindly, you're always such a nice friend:)

    Only reason I don't want it posted on facebook is because I have several "friends" who are professional connections. I don't think it's too cool to mix much business with family- especially when I try to maintain a professional presence as an independent consultant. Some days that's easier than others:/

    Plus I don't want to be the obnoxious person posting every litte move in my house. I don't want to annoy anyone- just share crazy stories in our daily life which hopefully my kids can look back on and laugh about my perspective and how it differs from their memory:)

  3. This post is perfection. As they say "this sh*t writes itself"! ahhh children
