Someone in our house seems to roll a bit differently than the norm.
I love that about her.
We might have made a little too big of a deal about it.
Our baby girl who has so completely shunned the color pink has started taking a new turn.
I don't know if it's because she's now without the influence of big brothers during the day.
Or that she has more time to be on her own, doing whatever feels right to her.
But lately she's been wanting to play babies.
Could be she wants to be a big sister.
Could be that she doesn't mind doing a few girl things here and there.
Could be that's just what she's in the mood for.
I don't know.
I have no answers.
Each day is fresh and new with this one.
Thank goodness I didn't thin out Sarina's baby collection.
Elsa's been digging through it and each treasure she finds is like she's struck gold.
I love it!
I love re-discovering each little doll with her and remembering what is special about them- one sings in Spanish (dolce suenos!), another smells like yummy baby, one closes her eyes, one has a magnet that draws a binkie to her mouth...
And the doll clothes I remember playing with as a little girl, some made by my grandma.
Oh and I cannot tell you how happy I am to see that little high chair and cradle back in use.
Yes, it's a Home Depot apron, and the t-shirt is brown but it is a "girl" shirt. And a necklace too.
Yesterday she even wore "girl jeans" to school!
But we're not making a big deal about it.
None of us are.
We're well versed in doing a discrete fist pump behind her back whenever she does something girly.
Not that we want her to be anything other than her authentic self.
She's a special cookie that Elsa Jane and I love this wiggly little person with her crazy pony tail, baseball hat, and home depot apron.
Who's becoming a closet girl.
Maybe she's just trying out the role before she takes it out in public.
Or maybe it's just a phase.
I don't know but I'm sure enjoying the ride.
Send her up here for a weekend. She'll get a HUGE dose of girl and she can decide if she likes it or not. If she doesn't, Elle will happily go kick a soccer ball around with her. :) xo