Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Veteran's Day

Sometimes, when my mind wanders off to the topic, I am blown away by historical events.

WWII is one of those events.

I cannot believe the intentional harm inflicted upon an inconceivable number of individuals.

I can't fathom what it must have been like to live through that period of time here in the US let alone in Europe.

As a dark haired person of Jewish descent (among many others) if I'd had the misfortune to live in Europe during that time, I would have been a target for the Nazi's.

I would have been one of the people many others persecuted.

I am proud that my grandfathers and that my husband's grandfathers served in the mission to stop the evil that spread so rapidly through Europe.

My Papa (Pappy to many) served in Italy and Africa. He was Jewish and this must have been terrifying for him.

At one point he was a guard- of one form or another (the details are fuzzy for me) for German POWs.

One of those POWs painted this stunning portrait of him.

I remember standing in my Papa's office staring at this portrait.

Perhaps it is the reason I want to get back to painting, to paint portraits. 

Maybe it was my draw to art. It's a beautiful reminder of his time in the service.

My other grandfather was a US Marine.

After looking at his discharge papers I was reminded that he was an expert sharp shooter.

Looking closer I saw the list of battles in which he served. From the little my dad knew and shared, it was awful. My grandfather did not speak much about what he witnessed or participated in but I don't think it was pleasant.

This veteran's day I think about how it must have felt for that Jewish boy from Spokane heading to Nazi territory.

Or the young man from Iowa serving on the USS Bunker Hill landing in Iwo Jima, Gonon Islands, Okinawa, and Kyushu.

How far they were from home. How the sacrifices they made have made my life more comfortable.

My family feels safe.

We have the luxury of knowing we live in a society that values freedom and the ability to express our opinions-as crazy as they may be.

I am grateful for their service, my uncle's service in Vietnam-even though he suffered greatly because of it.

I am grateful for the 24 years my brother spent serving in the US Air Force.

And my cousin just entering the US Paratrooper training.

I am grateful for all my friends who have served.

It is in incredible sacrifice to put your own security on the line for so many who take it for granted.

Thank you veterans past and present.

I am immensely grateful for your sacrifices.

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