Saturday, April 4, 2020

Costco in weird times

This is how I rolled at Costco and Haggen today.

I looked like a bank robber.  It felt ridiculous and scary.  I guess this was a logical step after the shift to carrying out items without bags- that always feels like I’m shoplifting.

I did try to smile a lot with my eyes.

I’m sure it just looked weird.

Here’s a recreation of the eye smile.

It took A LOT of self talk to get out of the car and stroll up to the store, accept my ticket for TP and pretend I didn’t feel like I just won the lottery.

Who would have guessed that Costco would feel intimidating?

It was a whole new world today at Costco.  They really corralled you along a specific route.  Had cones out to remind you how far apart 6 feet is.

When you get to the entrance they hand you a freshly sanitized cart.

Since people are still hoarding TP, they’re strict about doling it out.  I guess their system is they ask you if you need TP, like a scalper at the door.  You nod yes they slip you a red ticket like for raffles at the high school games.  (But careful not to touch your getmy hands.)  Once inside you fork over the ticket and they put a pack in your cart.

Two weeks ago I didn’t think twice about popping 3 packages of 5 dozen eggs into my cart.  I never would have guessed that just days later I would feel guilty loading up my typical 15 dozen eggs.

I wanted a sign that says, “I’m not hoarding I have 3 teenagers and an 11 year old taller than me.”

But I kept going, when I was brave enough for eye contact I tried my weird eye smile.

No gloves yet, but my hands are so dry.  I’ll probably wear gloves next time.

I hoard hand wipes, I have since I studied abroad and my American roommate brought the mother load of individually wrapped hand wipes.  I’ve grabbed as many as I can every time I find them ever since.

So I’ve had a great stash of Purell wipes from chick fil a in my purse that I use the second I get in my car.

I guess the bin of those at chick fil a are now a thing of the past.  Probably Buffalo Wild Wings too.

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