Friday, August 23, 2013

Not Enough Fire & Brimstone In Our House

I know that every day brings some sort of stunning realization when you're a parent.

The other day, for me, it was that my kids had absolutely no concept of hell.

How the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks could these little buggers live years on this earth and have NO CLUE about hell?!

I'm failing as a parent!

Looks like I need to sing, "I've got that joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart" song WAY more often for their benefit.  So the devil can "sit on a tack (ow!) sit on a tack (ow!) sit on a tack to staaaayyyyyyy..."

Clearly there is not nearly enough fire and brimstone in their lives.

And that mini-dose of Jesus each summer isn't cutting it.

I knew it wasn't selfish of me to cart them off to VBS, they need to learn about the ultimate consequence in life!  Maybe we'll try TWO VBSs next summer.  (HA!)

But how do you describe hell and Satan without giving kids nightmares?

Apparently, I did not do it correctly because poor little Elsa had night terrors last night- the worst I've seen in the 11 years I've been parenting.

We've talked lots, and lots about Jesus and heaven.  They know the ins and outs (according my my conjectures) so I tried to explain that as wonderful as heaven is, that's how bad hell is.

Is that right?

I think we really need some professional guidance on this one.

My poor attempt to explain was that Jesus is the ultimate good guy (like an action hero) and the devil is the ultimate bad guy.  Heaven is where you get to do and be anything you want.  Hell is the biggest owies and the worst nightmares all day every day forever.

And if you're a good person, you treat people and animals well and with a good heart you'll get to go to heaven.  If you're bad and hurt people and animals then you'll go to hell.

Pretty simple, I think.

I hope I'm right...

Oh, and the kids know heaven is real because they saw a boy who's been there on the 700 Club.


My kids watch the 700 Club?

Enough to know the name of it?!


I had no idea they were watching that show, to be honest it creeps me out a little bit- but I guess it's better than Law & Order or CSI.

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