I know, I know, I say that a lot.
Today was a good illustration.
I started off the day with a "run" with my quick footed friends. So, in reality I panted behind them for most of the 5 miles. There are brief periods when I can hang, but it's not for long and not all too often...
That was all great, truly- I always feel so good after I've gone for a run. I just need to do it more often.
It was a usual Monday morning, zipped to my mom's house for a quick shower, squeezed in an errand before picking up Elsa.
Two more errands on the way to a friend's house for her to play and me to hang out.
But on errand #2 I realized that my vision was like I'd just finished staring directly into the sun for too long and the blind spots wouldn't blink away.
I powered through a little more before it hit me that I was having a visual migraine.
I haven't had one of those in a good 6+ years.
My vision on my right size became completely swirly- like I was looking through a kaleidoscope.
So, I wrapped up the Safeway excursion and grabbed a coffee hoping caffeine would clear it up.
And it did.
At least I could see enough to get to the car and over to our friends house where I think the yummy lunch she had for us helped too.
It wasn't until after we came home that I realized that for tonight I'd booked not one but two babysitters.
What kind of crazy lady does that?!
The good news is that out of guilt for cancelling on one I re-scheduled another night so Mark and I get a date night.
Woo hoo.
Maybe that was my subconscious way of getting a date night...
I was still feeling off tonight when I was getting ready for my meeting, so I used that garbled brain of mine and instead of picking up a protein box with my coffee like I usually do at Starbucks I went big.
In fact, I got a Big Mac,
and scarfed the whole thing down in the parking lot in probably two seconds flat.
I remember once in high school I had a male teacher who approached me laughing (in a rather mean way) because he'd watched me eat something in soc (sosh- for those of you not familiar with CHS) corner for lunch and I must have shoved it into my mouth rather quickly because he inferred that my manners were quite atrocious. He's the same teacher who told my cheer squad my parents were divorcing before I could explain it to them{RUDE}
He would have been ROLLING to see me eat that Big Mac.
Which totally undid all the calorie burning of the 5 miles I panted behind my friends who are real runners.
Can't win them all, can you?
Really? A teacher told your cheer squad about mom and dad's divorce? And he was judgmental about you eating quick? What kind of Miss Manners did he study with? (Who was it? . . .) Jerk! mwb