Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Look Good Feel Good

I don't know where I first heard that saying, but it resonated with me pretty early on in life.

I remember there was one time in high school when I tried to go to school in my sweats and without a shower.

I couldn't make it through the whole day, somehow I finagled a way home to quickly shower and put on real clothes before heading back.

It's true, if I don't feel like I look good (or as best as I can pull off for the day...) then I feel off all day long.

It's why I rarely go out in public pre-shower- except if I know I'm going to work out or run.  Then I roll out of bed, throw on workout clothes and go for it.  Sometimes just wiping the smeared makeup from under my eyes with my sleeve.

But that's really the only time I do it.

And as much as it bothers me that I feel this way, I feel better with newer name brand things.

I think I've said this before, but I'm consciously trying to raise my kids to not care about name brands or if things are new.  Maybe it will spare them of the shallowness I do not want to pass on...

But oh how I love designer jeans (I buy them second hand), and the latest jewelry and accessories, and styles of shoes, and driving a new car.

As much as I hate that our suburban is such a gas guzzler (both for the $ and the environmental aspects) I feel better about myself when I'm driving it.


I know.

Super duper shallow.

Which is why I'm trying to appreciate the humble pie I was served today.

I drove our 1992 Honda Accord to my meetings for work today.

It's leaking oil, the windshield has a massive crack running through it, the weatherstripping is a bit mossy, the antenna is broken, and it's pretty noisy.  There's a melted green crayon on the back seat, used turkey fryer oil spilled in the trunk, yadda, yadda, and yadda.

Frankly, every time I park that baby I hope that someone I know doesn't see me stepping out of it.

I know.


So today, upon leaving my meeting I realize the battery is dead.

Funkin awesome!

The car is old enough that the headlights don't turn themselves off automatically.  And I forgot to turn them off myself when I parked that bad boy.

Probably because I was in a rush to get away from it so no one would see me near it.

So, I asked a police officer I noticed in the City Hall parking lot if he could help me or know of someone who might be able to help me.

Which he kindly provided me the help I needed.

After he rummaged in his new car for jumper cables it dawned on me that there just might be a set in my trunk.

And, there was!

Silver lining here...

So another police officer helped push the Hondacar into position and I went to pop the hood and accidentally popped the trunk instead.

Feeling like a super idiot I explained to the nice man that I rarely drive that car.

And, under his breath I heard him say, "I can understand why."


I know.  I'm a good person and really, it doesn't matter what kind of car I drive.  And I consciously repeat that to myself every time I get to drive it- over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over...

Mmmm Mm!  Humble pie.


  1. You are too funny! If it makes you feel better I don't care about a new car... but driving something old and seemingly decrepit would be hard for me.

    And as for showering and looking put together... well, I don't even think I need to clarify that I do not have the same needs as you. haha.

    I'm always a bit in awe when I see how put together you look. sigh... maybe someday I'll realize it takes the same amount of time to put on something cute as it does to put on yoga pants.

  2. You're too kind. You always look great Jenni.:)
