Do you ever get asked a question and completely blank on the answer?
Sure, I know things like- who was the 12th US president,
or what is the square root of pi- most people would blank out on those.
I'm talking simple questions,
like the name of someone you've known for 3 years and seen 4 times a week.
Or how about how much each of your children weighed at birth?
Even if it's the sweetest person in the world and there's no pressure.
Like today, at my daughter's quality work assembly and someone asked me what grade my second child was in.
Hold on.
Nothing there.
Completely blank.
Couldn't even conjure up who his teacher was last year.
I did find the name of his teacher this year.
Phew, quick deductions and sweetie pie who asked the innocent question helped me to figure out my baby boy is in the SECOND grade.
Dear Lord I hope that one sticks.
I don't know if I could take a repeat performance.
It caused flashbacks to Still Alice.
Now, if I wander into your kitchen and dismantle it looking for my favorite tea cup- make an appointment for me.
Who can't figure out what grade her own kid is in?!
Only this crazy mama in the country.
Clearly I was wrong on Monday when the doctor I visited asked me about my stress level.
I actually considered saying low.
I was all the way up in Issaquah, cozy in a Russian/Swedish bubble after a peaceful drive all by myself. I bumped it up to moderate when I reflected on my busy, hectic life.
Maybe I should revisit that answer.
Think it would make a difference on the Dr.'s conclusion that I'm a good candidate for the sling surgery to keep me from peeing my pants?
More on that next time.
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