Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Couple of Pictures from this Week

This weekend we had a surprise.

Mark was at work, Carl and Charlie had a last minute invitation for a sleep over with nonna and grandpa, then Sarina headed off for a sleepover with a friend.

That left just me and Elsa, for a whole afternoon and night.

So different from all that chaos to just us two.

We hung out around the house for a while.

Went to the Oyster House for dinner (my Caesar salad is way better but they had crab).

Afterwards I snapped a picture of us outside the Oyster House at the base of Budd Bay.

You can see a tiny bit of Budd Bay behind us, and the coaster she's clutching says, "The Oysters you eat today spent last night in Oyster Bay."  I've read that quote for as long as I could read but only now does it have much meaning to me.

Then we ran an errand for Mark and his crazy sawhorse project (he and a buddy built 6 sawhorses in an evening- you'll see them in the background below).

Mark's been working like crazy on the counters for our friend's shop that's going to open before we know it.  He's so excited to get to contribute to it for her and I'll brag a bit, he's doing such a great job on it- concrete counter tops and the cabinets.

It's going to be awesome.

Everything about the shop is going to be awesome.

Here he is getting ready to start polishing the concrete counter tops.

Can anyone else hear the theme song of Dexter playing when they look at this picture?  I wish you could see the plastic up around his work area.  Makes it all look a little more authentic.

I love that his apron has "Tool City" embroidered on it.


Seriously, this is more like it.

He's so happy to be working on a project.

And did you see those cool sawhorses in the background?  They fold up for easy storage plus they can hold huge concrete counter tops.

As long as this is a week in pictures, I need to put in a couple more.

Last week Sarina had her annual eye appointment to make sure her eyelid clears her pupil ok and her vision is still fine (which it is so far).  Plus we make a special detour (from Kirkland to Phinney Ridge) to Red Mill for the best hamburgers you could hope for.

So darn GOOD!

And someone should really tell this kid that grunge is soooooo 90's.

Who knows, if she holds on long enough it just might come back around.

Maybe I need to find a mini flannel shirt to complete the ensemble.

And I should have snapped a picture of poor little Charlie Bear in the quiet room at the dentist today.  He had a filling and was so scared they whisked him into the quiet room (the room of shame) so he wouldn't disturb the others.

If I hadn't been so focused on getting him to cooperate I might have taken a picture as he laid in that chair, "happy gas" on his nose, hands clenched over his belly, me frantically whispering that if he'd open his mouth he could go to Toys R Us to pick out a toy.

Did you know I HATE Toys R Us?  It's my idea of HELL?!  ESPECIALLY dragging two pre-schoolers through it?

Poor little buddy was just trying to protect himself since his mama wasn't keeping that needle and drill away from his mouth for him.

Don't worry.  When we go back in 2 weeks for round two we're armed with sedatives to make it go easier...

Maybe then I can snap a picture.

Think they'd think that was odd?

And it's true, I considered popping those two little magic pills myself as we drove away from the dentist office...  But I realized that really wouldn't be very nice of me.

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