Saturday, October 1, 2011

A Little Sad, A Little Glad

This crib has a story.

When Sarina was just a baby Mark and I took her to stay in a vacation rental with his family on Hood Canal.  Since I was working full time, he was the lucky duck who got to pack for the trip and I met them up there after work.

Unfortunately, he overlooked the pack n' play (who hasn't done that a time or two...?). 

So, we were resourceful.

She was still so little,

and his grandma gave us the idea (she's the baby of a lot of kids)-

so we made a little bed for her in a dresser drawer laid next to our bed.

Well, word got back to Mark's other grandma (grandpa's wife #2) and she promptly took matters into her own hands and a few days later we had a delivery on our front porch. 

A brand spanking new crib! 

No granddaughter of hers was going to be left sleeping in a dresser drawer.

Miscommunication cleared and all, we had a beautiful Jenny Lind crib for our babies.

That crib was moved many, many times through the years and each of our babies slept in it.

Sadly, I was a bit lazy in moving it one too many times and angling it through doorways with three sides put together cracked the post so it can't go to a new home.  But we sure did use the heck out of this one.

I reflected on each of the moves- Carlyon, Thomas, Oyster Bay as I took it apart today.

Now, almost 10 years later, it's ready for it's final voyage.

I still think you're pretty and am sad to see you go.

Thank you special crib for holding our babies as they slept (the few hours each slept in their own beds).

And now, I'm ready for the chapter in our lives when everyone stays in their beds.

All night.

Until morning comes.

The End.

And amen (crossing myself).

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