Monday, September 19, 2011

Ohio Surprise

Last week I was lucky enough to be in on a big surprise for my brother.

He joined the Air Force fresh out of high school and has come such a long way since his days in basic training.  He has run the gamut of responsibilities from loading bombs to working to as a paralegal to investigating air force crashes to determine the cause. 

This year he will retire after 24 years serving our country, leaving as a Master Sargent.

I'm so proud of him and all his accomplishments.

To celebrate, my sister-in-law, mom, and niece worked to pull together a surprise retirement party for him. 

First my mom flew out, then my sister and I joined the group- she pointed out that when "the aunts" come to visit they're usually crazy old ladies with cats who live together, we certainly don't fit that description... 

We're still called "the girls."  Apparently, when I'm accompanied by my husband and children I have a name but when it's me and my little sister we're just "the girls" at least it's no longer "the little girls."

I shared a bed with my niece, and I'll confess with you that I told her that I hoped that I didn't fart or snore.  She sweetly replied, "I hope you do."  Love family.

Next to arrive was a friend from the years they lived in Texas.

Then our other sister with her daughter and her boyfriend.

And on the day of the party people arrived in waves from the past.  One friend who was based near my brother while they served in England and Germany.  Friends who had also retired and moved on.  He had friends from all over the place coming to see him.

And that's such a fantastic feeling, to look around a house filled with people who have come from far and wide just to see you. 

And celebrate you. 

And let you know how important you are to them.

I'm so happy that I got to be a witness to it.

You've certainly earned it big brother.

While we were there we drove around, he showed us Cincinnati (WKRP theme song played in my head as we drove through the city).  It is full of buildings that would be fun to explore one day.  That city's architecture certainly tells a story of the fantastic ups and heart wrenching downs of it's economy.

We even drove into Kentucky (actually were ferried over) on a tiny little ferry crossing the Ohio river into Augusta Ky where George Clooney spent a lot of time.  We perused the shops and overheard someone say that George's mom, Nina, has a shop in town.  My sister googled her on the drive home and found that we'd chatted with her in her shop.  She was a beautiful and sweet lady.

Now, I'll admit that I was a little off on my trip to Ohio.  I was so lonely for the squirming little bodies and one big body I'm used to having circle around me that I did not know what to do with myself.  I realize that I'm a person who has to have constant motion to feel like myself.  I'm not sure when that will subside.  But it makes me nervous for the day when my kids all move beyond the nest and I don't have them to keep me in motion until I drop...

And, really, what would be a post from me without a little grossness...?

My sister pointed out that we passed (repeatedly) a street sign in Ohio.  I'm sure it comes from a family who did great things for their community, but really?  What an unfortunate name!


Truly, it's not a fun action.  No one wants to have one... (Or is should I say do one..?)

Unfortunately, this morning, my poor Charlie bear got to experience one.

There's a bug in my house, we had two barfing in the night and one with a tummy ache this morning...

It's nice to be busy.

*** UPDATE There are three, repeat three, sharters in the house.  My money is on #4 making an appearance in the middle of the night...

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