Before Sunday I would have said I wasn't.
I wanted to be. On some people it looks great, they zip along with their thin yet muscled legs, looking like they could go on forever. Who wouldn't want to be that person?!
Here's my story...
January 3rd I did a crazy thing and said I'd run the Capital City Half Marathon. Of course I'd be tempted to run it for Sweet Charley B. I zipped off full of determination, googled Capital City Marathon and completed the registration right away.
What I didn't know was that there was a Capital City Half Marathon in OHIO! That happened to the one that, in my nervous haste, I signed up for. I realized my mistake that night and was able to unregister for that one and register for the Olympia Capital City Half Marathon.
I will say that the Ohio one looked way more friendly (they sent me all kinds of friendly emails leading up to the big day) and way more flat.:/
Between January 3rd and May 15th I tried to enjoy running. I did do a couple of runs outside- Sweet Kelly lead me on a nice trail run around our houses- my longest run in that time span. Mark and I even went for a couple of runs together. Of course his legs are a tiny bit longer than mine and he's in WAY better shape than I'll ever be, he has been known to be called an elite athlete...
But most of my running was on a treadmill, at 24 hour fitness, while the kids were in the childcare center there. I thought that I preferred the treadmill. I could control my speed, incline, monitor my pace, etc. But it was so hard for me.
I didn't enjoy it.
It felt like a chore.
I could never go more than 5 miles and then it was playing games with myself. I'll run at 8.0 for 2 minutes then walk at 3.5 for a minute then jog at 6.0. All that mental energy trying to figure out how I was going to go the farthest the fastest took away from the experience. Needless to say, my running was sporadic and left me so tired the rest of the day.
Along comes May 14th and I see the cool red shirt for the 1/2 marathon and I wanted to earn it. I wanted to be able to wear it with pride. I also wanted to be able to say that I did it. And I did it for Charley B. So my gentle bully friends worked together and encouraged me to walk/run the half.
The walk part of the offer made it feel do-able for me.
So, I said I would.
The morning of the half marathon, I picked up two of my favorite people and headed down to Sylvester Park. There we met up with other amazing friends.
I felt like a complete schmuck for telling one friend I was only doing the 5 (a couple weeks prior) so, organized person that she is, she downgraded her registration to the 5. Of course procrastinator that I am, I planned to do it the morning of the marathon, then changed my mind at 7pm the night before and decided to stick it out on the 1/2. So, she re-registered for the half and Brooke, Arel and I pledged to walk/run the half.
I still thought I'd walk more than run but also wanted to put in my best effort.
We started running a nice moderate pace. I found I could talk and it didn't hurt. So I was game to keep going. Keep in mind the most I had EVER run in my LIFE was 6 miles before the day of the half marathon.
We brisk walked some of the hills but ended up running MOST of the half (Brooke thinks less than a mile was walked). The company was wonderful. The scenery was beautiful. And I couldn't have asked for a better experience.
Yes, it was pouring and I was drenched.
But I did it for the most wonderful family in the world. I did it for Sweet Charley B, and her mama, and her daddy, her big brother Sam and little sister Georgie Lou. I think she filled my sails with the wind I needed.
It helped that the landscape was so lush, green, with spring flowers and flowering trees. We went through some historic neighborhoods and I so enjoyed getting to see them at a pedestrian pace. So much of my time travelling around is zipping as fast as I can go so I don't get to see the lily-of-the-valley in bloom, or the fields behind the houses.
And through the course I got 2 hours and 51 minutes (we did have a long potty stop in that time...) to talk about whatever popped into my head with two women who have the most kind and generous hearts. It was blissful. Yes, I called running the half marathon blissful. I really enjoyed the experience.
(I can't figure out how to get us all to show on the blog here-it's in my facebook if you want to see the picture)
Now, what will this mean for the future?
I have no idea.
I love the idea of running more than before.
I'll have to see if I can do it outside from time to time to keep a little bit of stamina and try registering for another. But it'll have to be with friends. Friends who can deal with a slow but steady 13 minute mile pace. Tortoise and the hare, baby. I'm the tortoise, but I did it. And I don't say it often, but I'm really proud of myself.
It's amazing what our bodies can do. Mine has grown and nourished 4 beautiful babies. I can even still carry all of them (not all at the same time- maybe 2 at a time if they cooperate and hold on...). My body has done other wonderful things too, but now I can add complete 1/2 marathon to the list of wonders.
Maybe I could be a runner, though I doubt anyone would watch me and think I look graceful doing it, or anyone watching me would want to be me out there huffing along... Still, for that feeling of accomplishment, I just might do it again.
I am grateful I have the good fortune of health so that I could do it.
That and a couple of wonderful gentle bullies to help me along.
A husband who encouraged me.
And two little boys who wanted to know if I "won the race" the second I pulled into the garage.
I am so lucky to get to live this wonderful life.
You are amazing and wonderful and graceful and I am SO,SO,SO very proud of you! You are someone who can do anything you put your mind to!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for beingmy friend!
Wow. I am humbled by this entry. It is honest & beautiful. You are my hero for doing this... for all the right reasons. Selfless loyalty gets me every time. Congratulations!