Thursday, April 21, 2011

It Really Does Take A Village

I don't know how people manage without a support network.  Today was prime example for me.  While my studly husband had to go save lives, I felt like I had mission impossible that was only made possible by awesome friends helping out.  Here were the logistics: Sarina and Carl had to catch the bus at 8:26am, Charlie had to be at school in town at 8:30am, Elsa at 9am and I had a meeting in Steilacoom at 9am with architects working on a renovation of the ferry terminal which is in the historic district.  So...

Sweet Kelly once again took in my kids in the morning to shoo them onto the school bus.  I dropped Charlie and Elsa at school, cheated on Charlie's seatwork ( :/ I was in a hurry!) left Elsa with awesome Kristi to lead down to her classroom and jetted up to Steilacoom for my meeting.

Of course I forgot that today was the Easter party in Elsa's class so I missed the Easter egg hunt and pinata, but awesome Kristi captured pictures and videos:)

Then when running errands, my angel A-Mandy zipped her head around super fast when she heard my annoyed "Carl James!" in Fred Meyer as I tried to navigate an unfamiliar grocery store with 3 cranky kids and a billion old farts and other moms trying to push through too narrow aisles.  Angel A-Mandy took my kids so I could find what I was looking for and even bought them treats.  She also stuck with me through Costco while we both did our Costco shop.

I wonder when I'll get to reciprocate the kindness others show me.  I often feel like the high maintenance friend and look forward to the day I can ease someone else's burden.  That little bit of help lightens the load so much.  I hope I remember that when my hands are more free and I can spare time to help someone else.

Tonight Sarina requested pasta with my favorite peanut sauce for dinner while the other kids had "clean" noodles.  Here's the recipe from my sorority sister's fantastic blog Cook With What You Have.  She's amazing.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Wow Jen- I am blessed by your blog! Just stumbled upon it tonight and it made my day!
    I was just telling a neighbor how we have friends that pride themselves in being 'no trace' house guests. Ha Ha. We are the house guests that leave a wake of disarray. Oh how I would love to be 'low maintenance'... I am as an individual. But when it comes to my family of 5- we are as high maintenance as it gets. God bless our village members-
