Thursday, April 21, 2011

It Really Does Take A Village

I don't know how people manage without a support network.  Today was prime example for me.  While my studly husband had to go save lives, I felt like I had mission impossible that was only made possible by awesome friends helping out.  Here were the logistics: Sarina and Carl had to catch the bus at 8:26am, Charlie had to be at school in town at 8:30am, Elsa at 9am and I had a meeting in Steilacoom at 9am with architects working on a renovation of the ferry terminal which is in the historic district.  So...

Sweet Kelly once again took in my kids in the morning to shoo them onto the school bus.  I dropped Charlie and Elsa at school, cheated on Charlie's seatwork ( :/ I was in a hurry!) left Elsa with awesome Kristi to lead down to her classroom and jetted up to Steilacoom for my meeting.

Of course I forgot that today was the Easter party in Elsa's class so I missed the Easter egg hunt and pinata, but awesome Kristi captured pictures and videos:)

Then when running errands, my angel A-Mandy zipped her head around super fast when she heard my annoyed "Carl James!" in Fred Meyer as I tried to navigate an unfamiliar grocery store with 3 cranky kids and a billion old farts and other moms trying to push through too narrow aisles.  Angel A-Mandy took my kids so I could find what I was looking for and even bought them treats.  She also stuck with me through Costco while we both did our Costco shop.

I wonder when I'll get to reciprocate the kindness others show me.  I often feel like the high maintenance friend and look forward to the day I can ease someone else's burden.  That little bit of help lightens the load so much.  I hope I remember that when my hands are more free and I can spare time to help someone else.

Tonight Sarina requested pasta with my favorite peanut sauce for dinner while the other kids had "clean" noodles.  Here's the recipe from my sorority sister's fantastic blog Cook With What You Have.  She's amazing.  Enjoy!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Swirling Chaos

Seriously, sometimes I wonder why I ever attempt to go to public events alone with all the kids.  For some reason now there's always one kid who doesn't want to participate and it sucks the life out of me.  I can't be the cheerleader all the time every day, it's tiring!  I need to figure out how to navigate those waters without needing a nap after a 2 hour outing.  Today's (Actually Sunday since I rarely complete a whole task in one day) example was going to a movie for a birthday party.  Rio looked like a movie all kids would enjoy.  Of course we arrived after the movie had started, I tried to juggle 5 drinks and bags of popcorn in the pitch dark while counting heads- it must be what I do even in my sleep 1 - 2 - 3 - 4,  1 - 2 - 3 - 4.  A little tricky while spilling "roopie dear" all over myself and kids darting all over the place.  Forget trying to duck for the poor people sitting behind me.  I couldn't figure out how to get the movie seat down with my hands full and the kids sitting and me to stop spilling, let alone provide a clear view for the poor family behind us.  Oh boy.  Then when we were settled about 3/4 of the way through Elsa started pacing the line, bumping the chairs of the poor people in front of us.  The grand finale was the trip to the potties at the end.  Yay.

I've been painfully slowly plugging away at organizing and making changes to the house.  My pantry has been driving me nuts, so I pulled everything out of it at 9:30 at night when Mark was at work and I finally had all the kids in bed.  Brace yourself for the before picture- picture rushing home from grocery store, costco, etc and unloading either right at lunch time or right at dinner time.  That is most of the reason why it looks the way it does in the before picture.  I'm humble here, it's NOT pretty.

Now it's empty.
But it had to go somewhere, temporarily of course.

I filled two large kitchen garbage bags and a lot of recycle.  While it's not pretty (I didn't buy all matching containers- maybe one day) at least it's orderly until the magical day when I can make it into the butler's pantry I've always envisioned there).

We also returned our dark, dark leather 4 piece matchy matchy furniture set from costco- because of one tiny little rip in the seat of a cushion that couldn't be repaired.  For a 3 piece WHITE leather set from Macy's (with the FULL 7 year warranty plan).  First I cringed because when I checked on what was going to happen to the old stuff (which was perfectly usable- all the other pieces were mint) they said they were going to be "field destroyed."  I feel SO WASTEFUL, but needed something lighter in my dark room.  How UN environmentally friendly is that?!  On the other hand, the new furniture is so pretty and bright.  And the 7 year warranty will get us to Elsa at 9 almost 10.  We should be good to go then.  Right?
I know I need a real coffee table, when I find one for under $50- I'll get it.  For now it feels brighter and better.

Since I usually end with a recipe, I'll end with the fajita recipe I made on Sunday night- the night I wrote this blog.  Super yummy but best on the griddle when camping with good friends.

Chicken (or whatever meat you want) Fajitas magic ingredient:

You'll have to crane your neck- for some reason the picture refused to orient the way I wanted it to.  This is the seasoning I use- it's in the Mexican section of most grocery stores.  It's the yummiest and the cheapest (score since I'm cheap)

I use 1/2 this packet for about 12 chicken breast tenderloins (I buy the Kirkland frozen kind so they aren't so floppy and gross when I handle them.  I hate raw chicken)

So, here's the recipe:

12 chicken breast tenderloins
1/2 seasoning packet pictured above
2 T lime juice
1/3 cup canola oil

Mix together and marinate as long as you like.  8-10 hours is ok- overnight better- or dump it all together and freeze then pull out on the day when camping that you want to make it:)

Slice one or two onions- I like a lot of onions.

Slice 2-4 bell peppers- I use red, orange, and yellow because green ones are gross to burp.  Sorry if that wasn't a ladylike comment.  Just not a fan of green peppers.

Heat a large pan on high (or griddle when camping if you're lucky).

Add the juice from the marinated chicken (I know most recipes tell you not to use it but I do), cook the onion until as done as you like them - I like them really cooked down.  Add chicken, when done add peppers and cook until just starting to get soft.

I serve them on flour tortillas warmed over the flame of our stove top, topped with chevre, feta, or whatever cheese sounds good and green onions.

Sometimes I'll add a side of brown rice cooked in the rice cooker with a tablespoon of butter, a tomato bouillon cube (another Mexican aisle score), and small can of green chilies after that's cooked I'll stir in a rinsed and drained can of black beans.  Throw in some fresh chopped cilantro and it's even better.


PS Hi honey (he caught me working on the blog I was too embarrassed to tell him about...)  xo

PPS Thanks Robin for asking for a new post- it made me feel good to know that it's being read and yes you should write one too.  You have some crazy stuff going on in your house and accomplish some wonderful meals and creations (crafty and handy and all around amazing).

And now this blabber mouth is done.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oh boy


At this stage in the game, I now know for certain that I play MUCH better man-to-man than zone.  It's a painful realization.

The end.